What is perpetual wellness?

Perpetual: continuing forever, occurring continually. Wellness: the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal.

Over the years, I have learned to appreciate the act of wellness as being perpetual. Through various dangerous health diagnosis, and other life challenges, I’ve worked at maintaining a level of wellness, which I believe played a pivotal role in helping me thrive. Exercise and diet are critical. However wellness also involves rest and taking care of my mental health. To me, perpetual wellness means No Days Off. But No Days Off does not mean no bad days. When dealing with physical or mental challenges there will be bad days and good days. The goal is to find ways to continue to prioritize wellness during all of my states. I’ve found ways to make perpetual wellness a part of my life, and I am excited to share my journey and thoughts with you all through this Perpetual Wellness Blog and my Perpetual Wellness Videos. From recipes to running strategies, thanks for joining me on this journey.